22 November 2009

A lovely day - Saturday, 21 November

You couldn't find a more perfect day than today. Sixteen degrees, sunshine and a slight warm breeze. This is what we did and would recommend it to all tourists to this city. Go to the Place de Madelaine, walk around it and visit all the posh foodshops. Then walk down the rue Royale to the Place de la Concorde. Pause a minute to take in all the sights, including the huge ferris wheel that is now there. Whether this is to be permanent or not we don't know, it may only have been erected for the Christmas season.

Anyway, take your life in your hands and cross the Place de la Concorde and enter the Tullerie Gardens. Sit around one of the artificial lakes. Have lunch at one of the little cafes in the garden. After lunch proceed towards the Louvre turning right to cross the river Seine on the Pont Royale and proceed to the Place Saint Michel. For any visitor that provides the views of the essential Paris. That's what we did today ending up in Montmartre having a drink at the Place du Tertre of the new vintage of Beaujolais.

Yesterday we included a picture of a sign in a restaurant window advertising the new season Beaujolais. The prices are, of course, restaurant prices. If you go to Monoprix or a local wine merchant, you can get a good bottle for between 3 and 8 Euros or $5 to $13; a great bargain for a wonderful light red!

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